ladidai | Songwriter, artist manager, and Director of Social & Partnerships for Campfire

ladidai | Songwriter, artist manager, and Director of Social & Partnerships for Campfire

Hear how the Universe conspired to show ladidai she was meant to be in the music industry after a chance meeting with Frank Ocean and Steve Lacy

Ladi is a native New Yorker who grew up writing songs, winning an award from ASCAP New York before moving out to Los Angeles to pursue songwriting. The pandemic interrupted that journey, but led her to web3, where she’s held various roles, from Head of Community & Partnerships for EQ Exchange, a web3 music startup co-owned by Ashanti, to Director of Social & Partnerships for Campfire, a guild and community for web2.5 music artists and professionals, and manager of pop fusion artist TK, whose Eternal Garden release – an audiovisual music non-fungible token (or NFT) collection generated over 38 ETH, which as of this recording is about $75,000.

Ladi also has a newsletter and a podcast and is incredibly active across web3 music communities. We chatted about all of her projects, as well as the importance of partnerships in web3 community building, the role of AI in the music industry – and how web3 can actually work alongside artificial intelligence to curb some of its potential harm.